Thursday, May 7, 2009

It's a Girl!

Okay, so maybe not a baby girl...but, we're going to host a foreign exchange student for the 2009/2010 school year. Camila is her name and she is from Sao Paulo, Brazil. She is 15 and will be doing her Junior year here at ILHS. Camila is a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. She has 2 small sisters at home and enjoys being with family and friends. She wants to be a Doctor and feels having a better understanding of English is a major step toward meeting this goal. We're pretty sure that coming from Sao Paulo and it's 20+ million people to little rural Rushsylvania, Ohio will be quite the shock to her, but we hope that she will enjoy the experience. We are VERY excited to have this opportunity to share our life and home with her and we look forward to learning more about her and life in Brazil!


Sabin said...

That's really cool!

Millie and Me said...

How wonderful for you guys. Are you going to have to speak her language? That will be so much fun for you and a great learning experience for all. When does she arrive???? Have fun!!!