Monday, September 1, 2008

Family Pictures 2008

Well, we had our family picture professionally done for the first time since Sariah was 12 months old, and she'll be 4 in 2 months! It's been a while and LONG past due! Here they are.


Cassie said...

Loved your pictures! What a great family you are.

Anonymous said...

You all look great. I love the pics of the kids, they have grown. Hope all is well!! ~Nicole

Debbie said...

Your pictures are great. Your family makes it look so easy to get good family pictures, how do you do it?

Miller Family said...

Let's just say we were there for 3 hours and we had a few meltdowns in the process. Not as easy as it looks! Ammon hated the woman taking the pictures and he has some goofy looks going on! He was refusing to smile and we almost left before any of the pictures were ever taken. But, it all worked out in the end. I don't know how many times we "walked out", rescheduled an appt., or took pictures of crying kids when the kids were younger. I dont have any babies anymore (which makes me very sad) but picture taking is getting easier!

Becky said...

How nice! I love getting pictures done. Where did you go for these? You all look so good!

Miller Family said...

Wal-Mart of all places! Much cheaper than anyplace else and they are all digital now so they can crop and lighten and edit the pictures how you want them!

Ira and Heather said...

I love the pictures!!! They came out great!! Your kids are sooooo cute!